Lung cancer is a heterogenous tumor which develops as a result of accumulation of multiple genetic, and epigenetic changes together with environmental pathogens. In the last decade, targetable specific molecular changes were described, and important developments in the treatment, and survival of these patients have been obtained. In recent years, with recommendations of international guidelines, analyses of molecular changes related to sensitivity to tyrosine kinase inhibitors as EGFR gene mutations , and ALK/ROS gene rearrangements have been performed in many laboratories in cases with advanced stage non-small cell carcinomas. Inclusion of BRAF, MET, RET, HER2, and KRAS genes in the next generation sequencing panels, and analysis of EGFR T790M mutations related to the resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors are recommended. As the knowledge, and studies about genes, and mechanisms increase, determination and analysis of the laboratory tests for the markers which play roles in the patient selection will develop.
Key words: Lung cancer, gene, molecular pathology, analysis