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Audit on The Type of Antibiotics Used for Post-Operative Surgical Management of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients

Jembulingam Sabarathinam, Kathiravan Selvarasu, Dr Madhulaxmi M.


Development of potentially severe complications secondary to head and neck cancer surgeries is commonly noted. Role of prophylactic antibiotics in head and neck surgeries has been proven with sound literature evidence. Certain studies have reported that the rate of wound infections when antibiotics were not used was as high as 87% whereas 10% of studies reported decreased surgical site infection (SSI) following antibiotics. This study aims to find out the various antibiotics and their combinations used for post opervative management of Oral Squamous cell carcinoma patients at private dental college in Chennai. The aim of the current study was to audit on the type of antibiotics used in postoperative management of Oral squamous cell carcinoma in a private dental institution in chennai. Data was procured from case records of patients undergoing surgical management for oral squamous cell carcinoma.The information obtained was tabulated in Ms-Excel and analysed using SPSS. 62.5% of the cases had cefotaxime and metronidazole prescribed postoperatively while other combination used in 37.5% of the cases were gentamicin, sulbactam, clindamycin and ofloxacin. Cefotaxime and metronidazole were predominantly used in the management of postoperative oral squamous cell carcinoma cases and 25% of the postoperative infections were associated with Cefotaxime and metronidazole combinations.

Key words: Antibiotics, Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Post-operative infections.

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