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Physiological benefits of resistance training in depressive persons: a literature review

Kelly Cristina Nunes Silva, Maria Gisele Santos.

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The current society, due to the technological advance, excessive collections, reigning individualism, among others, is faced with a significant increase of individuals with depression. Some authors conceptualize depression as a disease where the individual feels inferior to everything and everyone, with no capacity and willingness to face the challenges, because it presents a feeling of fear of failure, thus promoting a reduction of the feeling of pleasure, irritability, feelings of guilt and, in more serious cases, suicidal thoughts.The concept of depression is applied to a mood disorder, encompassing cognitive, behavioral, physiological, social, economic and religious factors, since depression is considered an evil that is rooted in the individual's "I" interfering in a negative way the course of their thoughts and decisions. In addition to these characteristic feelings of depression, points out that depression also generates disorders at the brain level, due to the dysregulation of essential neurotransmitters, as well as the reduction of cognitive function, which promotes the formulation and decision of an adequate response front to a stressor event.Resistance training, which presents a voluntary action of the skeletal muscle against a resistance, through stimuli, promoting metabolic stress and developing different types of strength in the individual, from neuromuscular and hormonal adaptations and cognitive function, when associated to an organized training program, considering questions related to the load, volume, order and interval of the exercises. Therefore, with this literature review, we see the importance of including resistance training to the treatment of depression, since regular and long-term exercises promote hormonal and cognitive benefits, helping and improving the individual's ability to generate responses to the stressor event , developing self-confidence.

Key words: depression, resistance training, force, mood disorder, physiological benefits, physical exercises

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