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Prevalence of proximal caries in the posterior teeth in patients visiting a dental college

Keerthana. R, Iffat Nasim, Manjari Chaudhary.


Dental caries is a multifactorial disease, with many risk factors contributing to their initiation and progression. The study was aimed to find the incidence of proximal caries in posterior teeth in the patients visiting a dental hospital. Data was collected retrospectively from the records of the private dental hospital. The population included in the study were the patients who reported with proximal caries in the posterior teeth. Descriptive statistics, Cross tabulation and chi square test were done. Out of 846 patients 392 had disto occlusal caries, 375 had mesio occlusal caries and 79 had mesio occluso distal caries. Within the limit of the study, it was evident that the disto-occlusal caries were the most common type of class II caries and class II caries were more common in females between the age group 25-35 in the first quadrant.

Key words: Class II caries, dental caries, disto occlusal caries, mesio occlusal, mesio occlusal distal, prevalence

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