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RMJ. 2022; 47(3): 540-543

Pattern of MICRO-RNA-196A2 Polymorphism among type 2 diabetics

Najia Soomro, Sabir Hussain, Ahsan Kazmi, Sarwat Batool, Syed Naqeeb Ali, Syed Liaquat Ali.


Objective: To identify and determine the pattern of miRNA-196a2 (rs11614913) polymorphism among type 2 diabetics.
Methodology: This case control study was conducted on 311 individuals comprising 161 type 2 diabetics and 150 healthy controls. Genomic DNA was extracted by using non-enzymatic extraction method. Quality of extracted DNA was evaluated by horizontal gel electrophoresis on 1% agarose. The extracted samples were used to run PCR-RFLP for detecting polymorphism in miR-196a2 gene.
Results: Genotypes found were TT (normal genotype), TC (variant genotype) and CC (variant genotype). The miRNA variant (TC+CC) indicated a significant association with diabetes (69%) as compared to controls (53.3%) (χ 2= 7.98, P = 0.004).
Conclusion: The miRNA variants (TC+CC) indicated a significant association with type 2 diabetes as compared to controls. The percentage of miRNA-196a2 C allele was greater in patients as compared to controls while the frequency of T allele was less in patients compared to the controls.

Key words: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, miRNA-196a2, DNA.

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