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Review Article

Preference and Frequency of Bps Complete Denture in An Institutional Setup - A Retrospective Study

Kiruthika Patturaja, Revathi Duraisamy, Iffat Nasim.


The Biofunctional Prosthetic System (BPS) of complete denture is specially designed to work harmoniously optimising oral function , comfort ,superior aesthetics giving natural appearance on the patient and maximizing function of the prosthesis. BPS using the functional impression technique from the active jaw movement of the patient and followed with simulation of patientÂ’s jaw using semi-adjustable articulator .The present study aims to find the frequency and preference of BPS denture usage. A retrospective study was conducted by retrieving datas of patients who underwent replacement of missing teeth by BPS complete denture at an University hospital setting between June 2019-March 2020 from a total of 86,000 case records . A total of 81 subjects who received BPS dentures datas on socio-economic status, systemic health manifestation , age and gender were recorded . The datas were collected and statistical tests done by Chi-square test and descriptive analysis by SPSS statistical analyser 20.0. The findings of the present study shows that the prevalence rate of females 59.3% receiving BPS dentures was higher than males. BPS dentures were found to be more prevalent in use among upper socio-economic status 43.21%. There was no statistically significant association between gender and socioeconomic status p=0.810. Age ,gender had statistically significant association with systemic health manifestations p=0.012 and p=0.073 respectively .Within the limitation of the study ,the preference and frequency of BPS usage was more among higher socioeconomic status, females and those with systemic health manifestation

Key words: BPS denture; Females; Ridge resorption; Socioeconomic status; Systemic health .

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