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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5115-5124

Design And Development Of Braces For Flat Foot Ankle Injury Using Solid Works

Prabhu V,Velmurugan V, Dr.U.Tamilarasan, Manoj kumar M, Dr.S Arunprasad, M.Rajavelu.


The alarming increase in flatfoot ankle injury owing to sports accidents has been a matter of great concern globally. Most of the injuries in sports accidents were confined to ankle injury. Ankle injury during sports is very common among athletes of various disciplines (athletics, basketball, volleyball, football or soccer etc.). Ankle bracing is widely used by sports participants in order to prevent lateral ankle sprains. Current evidence on the various effects of ankle orthotics reveals that not only they are effective in minimizing the risk of injury, but also, they do not hinder athletic performance and other parameters related to function. In this paper, accident prevention equipment which reduces the severity of the injury is to be designed and developed. The developed equipment would reduce the amount of energy of impact and protect it from injury. This involves the identification of a novel design and adapting a suitable manufacturing technique for the development of the product.

Key words: flatfoot, ankle injury, novel design, accident prevention

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