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Review Article

AAM. 2013; 2(3): 89-98


Vijaykumar Sangamesh Kotrannavar, Savita Shivappa Angadi.


Kampillaka a drug of herbal origin has been categorized as one among eight sadharana rasa (group of minerals) of
Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. It is “Phalaraja (glands and hairs of the fruits)” obtained from the plant Mallotus phillippinensis
muell. Arg. belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. Although it is a herbal drug, because of its usefulness in Ayurvedic
mercurial preparations (rasasiddhi) it is included under sadharanarasas in Rasa-Shastra (Ayurvedic study of minerals
and metals). Information regarding this drug is available in the classical texts of Ayurveda. This review, recollects the
information related to Kampillaka from three samhita (1500 BC – 600 AD), five samgraha grantha, six nighantu and
five other texts (800AD – 1900AD). It is observed that the drug is used in 44 formulations, indicated in more than 20
disease conditions including krimiroga (worm infestation), twacha roga (skin disease),vibandha, gulma, vruna,
shleshmodara, arsha, shula, jwara, prameha etc. Useful part of the plant is phalaraja and it should be administered
internally after passing through shodhana procedures. It is used in various dosage forms such as churna, vati, varti,
kalka, taila, ghruta, and malahara. Kampillaka, as one of the audbhida dravya, can be traced since samhita period
for its use in virechana . In higher doses kampillaka is found to produces nausea, purging and severe spasmodic pain.

Key words: Kampillaka, Mallotus Phillippinensis Muell, Phalaraja, Virechana.

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