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JCBPR. 2019; 8(3): 170-178

The Effect of Perfectionism and Body Perception on Orthorexia Among Young Adults

Feyza TOPÇU,Osman Tolga ARICAK.

Cited by 2 Articles

The purpose of the research is to investigate, perfectionism and body image’s effects on orthorexia nervosa (ON). According to this, the research is conducted by 81 college students. ORTO-11, Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scale, Body Appreciation Scale were applied. The results obtained, the scores of perfectionism and body image weren’t predicted orthorexia nervosa. In addition to this, there were no statistically significant differences ON scores and gender. Also, there were any significant differences between ON scores and departments. This findings were discussed in the light of the related literature and the limitations of the research were given and suggestions were made for future researchers. Especially, it was emphasized how important and needed the research which works on the relation between ON and body image.

Key words: perfectionism, body image, orhorexia nervosa

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