Case Report |
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Spider procedure for sacral pressure sore reconstruction:A case report.Sarah Sabur, Imane El Aissaoui, Mohammed Raboune, Lamiaa Bensaida, Samir Mazouz, Noureddine Gharib, Abdellah Abassi. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Many forms of management have been described to treat sacral pressure sore, when the sacral pressure sore is type 4 the surgical treatment becomes necessary. We propose in this article the use of the spider procedure described in 2012 by Mutaf and al., in the coverage of sacral pressure ulcer in a young ambulant patient.
The spider procedure has the advantage of tension-free closure, simple dissection with short operative time and no sacrifice of muscles function which can make this flap a useful solution in sacral pressure sore reconstruction.
Key words: Spider procedure, sacral defect, pressure sore