Objective: To determine the suicide and depression literacy among healthcare professional students.
Methods: Three hundred thirty nine healthcare professional students were assessed with socio-demographic and clinical proforma, depression literacy scale, and suicide literacy scale.
Results: There was low score on measure of depression and suicide literacy. Paramedical have lower literacy of suicide (MU=9.44, Z=-5.39, p=0.001) and depression (MU=9.28, Z=-5.53, p=0.001) than medical students. On linear regression analysis (R2=0.06, F=21.66, p=0.001), there was a statistically significant association between suicide and depression literacy (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Depression and suicide literacy is poor among healthcare professional students, particularly paramedical students. Suicide literacy was positively associated with depression literacy. There is a need to sensitize these students about depression and suicide.
Key words: depression literacy, suicide literacy, healthcare professional students