Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare cutaneous carcinoma which is divided into ocular and
extraocular types. We present a 66 years old lady who came with painful nasal mass for past
1 month. There was right nasal vestibule mass measuring 1cmx1cm, firm in consistency. Our probable diagnosis was benign nasal cyst. On her review 2 weeks later, the nasal mass is rapidly enlarging. Histopathological examination revealed poorly differentiated sebaceous carcinoma. A computed tomography (CT) scans of head to pelvis revealed large left lung lesion. However, she did not follow up until 6 weeks later, she presented with poor oral intake with bleeding from nasal tumour. Examination showed right nasal vestibule fungating mass measuring 10cmx10cm.
Key words: Nasal mass, sebaceous carcinoma, nasal tumors