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Short Communication

PBS. 2017; 7(3): 181-4

Protected housing project constituted for the first time in Turkey by Elaziğ Mental Health Hospital from 2005 to 2017

Sema Baykara.


This paper reports the protected housıng project, which was carried out at the Elazig Mental Health and Disorders Hospital between 2005 and 2017. Patient selection criteria were; social participation deficits and social isolation, impairment in social and individual functioning, problems with housing, lacking family support, no criminal/ legal history, compatibility in terms of diagnoses and ages with housemates, having skills for living together, and ability to benefit from rehabilitation processes. In this paper, historical background of protected housng roject has been outlised along with problems in terms of funding and current status of these houses at the Elazig Mental Health and Disorders Hospital.

Key words: protected housing, institutionalized patients, mental health hospital

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