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Review Article

Advancements in Root Canal Irrigants-A Review

Rajasri Pradeep, Anjaneyalu K, Muralidharan.


Root canal irrigation is considered an important procedure of root canal treatment as it involves the healing of periapical tissues after treatment . In root canal irrigation , the motto is prevention of reinfection. Standard irrigation techniques are using common irrigants like NaOCl , chlorhexidine , EDTA etc but in this study , advanced root canal irrigants are reviewed . The newer irrigants like tetraclean , MTAD , ECA ( Electronically activated solutions) , ozonated water , herbal induced irrigants can all serve as an adjunct to the commonly used root canal irrigants. Potential newer/advanced irrigants serve as a substitute for traditional endodontic irrigants. With the recent studies performed and available literature , even though none of the irrigants fully satisfy the requirements of an ideal root canal treatment they can all be used as an adjunct over the commonly used irrigants.

Key words: Advances, Disinfectants, Root canal Irrigants

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