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Case Report

Retained foreign body migration to the colon: A rare cause of small bowel obstruction

Nada Garrouche, Ibtissem Hasni, Jaafar Mazhoud, Hiba Ben Hassine, Hela Jemni.

Cited by 0 Articles

Retained foreign bodies (RFBs) also called retained swab, or gossypiboma, is a term for a surgical complication resulting from foreign materials accidently left in a patient's body. The symptoms following this entity are non-specific which make clinical diagnosis difficult. The computerized tomography (CT) scan is the most useful method for diagnosis; however, sometimes the preoperative diagnosis remains uncertain even after the imaging exam. In that case, laparoscopy arises as a valuable diagnostic tool, as well as a prompt treatment option.
We report a case of a 22- year-old woman with a 2-weeks-history of abdominal pain and, recurrent then complete small bowel obstruction, three months after lower segment caesarian section. Laparotomy showed an intraperitoneal gossypiboma that has penetrated into ileum through two fistulae communicating with the proximal ileum and the colic sigmoid.

Key words: Gossibypoma, Textiloma ,Retained surgical sponge, Imaging, Intestinal obstruction ,Ileus.

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