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Case Report

Case report of Dengue encephalopathy in pregnancy mimicking atypical eclampsia – An insight of neurological manifestations of dengue in pregnancy

Sasirekha Rengaraj, Suthrasika Thiyagalingam.

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Dengue is a global public health problem. Dengue in pregnancy carries a high maternal and perinatal morbidity and even mortality especially when the diagnosis is delayed. Often dengue with hemorrhagic shock syndrome is misinterpreted as HELLP syndrome and unnecessary obstetric interventions have to be avoided in such situations. There are case reports and guidelines on dengue hemorrhagic syndrome in pregnancy. But rare atypical forms like neurological manifestations of dengue in pregnancy are rarely studied. Neurological manifestations of dengue are increasingly observed nowadays. We are presenting a case report of atypical dengue (dengue encephalopathy) in pregnancy with review of literature. It was initially thought as meningitis then atypical eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Whenever dengue infection presents in atypical form strong clinical suspicion and early intervention improves the outcome.

Key words: Dengue, dengue encecphaolopathy, atypical HELLP

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