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Correlation of body mass index with flow rates and maximum voluntary ventilation: A comparative study

Khaleel Ahmed Manik, Leena s Hiremath, Imran Jagadal.

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Background: In an obese individual, weighing 140 kg more than 50% of body weight is represented by adipose tissue.

Aims and Objective: The aim is to study correlation of body mass index (BMI) and flow rates (forced expiratory flow 25-75% [FEF 25-75%], FEF 75%, peek expiratory flow [PEF], and maximum voluntary ventilation [MVV]) of pulmonary function test in controls and patients.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad. A total of 150 male students in the age group of 15-24 years of the college formed the individuals of the study.

Results: FEF 25-75%: The mean (±SD) FEF 25-75% at rest in overweight group was 3.76 ± 0.88 L/s, in obese group was 3.75 ± 1.08 L/s, and in controls was 1.66 ± 0.85 L/s (P > 0.05). FEF 75%: The mean (±SD) FEF 75% at rest in overweight group was 1.70 ± 0.58 L/s, in obese group was 1.79 ± 0.74 L/s, and in controls was 2.11 ± 0.94 L/s. It is significantly less in overweight group compared to control group. PEF: The mean (±SD) PEF at rest in overweight group was 8.48 ± 0.89 L/s, in obese group was 8.04 ± 1.72 L/s, and in controls was 8.60 ± 1.18 L/s (P > 0.05). MVV: The mean (±SD) MVV at rest in overweight group was 145.62 ± 12.65 L/min, in obese group was 137.06 ± 33.96 L/min, and in controls was 151.41 ± 26.07 L/min. It is significantly less in obese group compared to control group.

Conclusion: Correlation of BMI with PFT shows a significant negative correlation of BMI with flow rates (FEF 25-75%, FEF 75%, PEF, and MVV) of the pulmonary function test.

Key words: Forced Expiratory Flow at 25-75%, Forced Expiratory Flow at 75% of FVC, Peak Expiratory Flow, Maximal Voluntary Ventilation

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