Objective: To determine the significance of Upper GI endoscopy for the detection of upper GI bleeding in children visiting a tertiary care hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
Methodology: A total of 122 Children attending the pediatric emergency and pediatric unit of civil hospital Karachi with history of upper GI bleeding were included in this study which lasted for six months from May 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015. After 24 hours of stabilization when bleeding stopped then endoscopy was done. For gastritis, biopsy was taken for histopathology. Gram -ve (S shape rod) bacteria were labeled as H. pylori.
Results: Mean age was 4.8±3.2 years with M:F ratio of 2.2:1. Esophageal varices was the most common cause of upper GI bleeding seen in 80 (65.6%) patients, followed by gastric erosion in 60 (49.2%) and H. pylori in 15 (12.3%) cases.
Conclusion: Upper GI Endoscopy is safe procedure of utmost importance in identifying the cause of upper GI bleed in children, providing valuable information on the pattern of upper GI diseases in children. Esophageal varices was the most frequent cause of upper GI bleeding followed by gastric erosions.
Key words: UGI, Esophageal varices, gastric erosion, H Pylori