Objective: To observe the cutaneous manifestations in obesity as defined by WHO criteria and document the prevalent systemic diseases in these patients.
Methodology: This study was carried out in the Department of Dermatology, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan from August to December 2016. One hundred and sixty female patients of all ages and all grades of obesity were included. Height and weight were measured. Patients fulfilling WHO criteria for obesity, body mass index (BMI) of >30kg/m2 and having cutaneous manifestations were included. Clinical characteristics were noted after a detailed physical examination. Appropriate investigations, like fungal scraping were performed where necessary. Associated diseases like diabetes, hypertension and hypothyroidism were noted.
Results: The study had 160 obese females. Mean age was 38+1.12 years. The most frequent manifestation was acanthosis nigricans seen in 73% patients, followed by striae in 48%, plantar hyperkeratosis in 40%, acrochordons in 38%, tinea in 33%, intertrigo in 28%, bacterial infections in 6%, viral infections in 2.5%, hirsutism in 31% and xanthomas in 2%. Acne was present in 8%. Among the disorders affecting the lower limb were plantar hyperkeratosis seen in 46%, while varicosities were present in 3%, lymphedema was seen in 1.2%. Fifty six percent of patients suffered from hypertension, 48% from diabetes and hyperlipidemia was documented in 7% of patients.
Conclusion: Obesity is associated with a wide spectrum of cutaneous findings. Knowledge of these manifestations is important as these can point to underlying diseases.
Key words: Obesity, cutaneous manifestation, systemic conditions.