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Design of fuzzy expert system for diagnosis of cardiac diseases

Smita Sushil Sikchi, Sushil Sikchi, M S ALI.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: The logical thinking of medical practitioners play significant role in decision making about diagnosis. It exhibits variation in decisions because of their approaches to deal with uncertainties and vagueness in the knowledge and information. Fuzzy logic has proved to be the remarkable tool for building intelligent decision making systems for approximate reasoning that can appropriately handle both the uncertainty and imprecision.

Aims & Objective: To develop a generic fuzzy expert system framework that can be used to design specific fuzzy expert systems for particular medical domain.
Material and Methods: The generic fuzzy expert system has been designed for diagnosis of cardiac diseases. The interface between visual basic and MatLab is powerful feature of the system that offers user friendly graphical user interface.

Results: Need to arrive at the most accurate medical diagnosis in a timely manner is the main outcome that may reduce the further complications. A generic fuzzy expert system for the diagnosis of various heart diseases yields better result than the classic designed systems, because this system simulates the manner of an expert in true sense.

Conclusion: The particular focus is on diagnosis of heart disease by employing the fuzzy logic in expert systems.
The system has been designed and tested successfully. Exhaustive rule base specifically formed for almost all heart diseases ensures the accuracy to arrive at certain decision.

Key words: Fuzzy expert system, Generic framework, Medical diagnosis, Heart disease diagnosis

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