Pancreas divisum is one of the rare causes of recurrent pancreatitis. The diagnosis is a challenging and diagnostic failure lead to recurrent episodes of pancreatitis and ultimately pancreatic failure.
Here we are presenting a case of a young female with history of recurrent attacks of upper abdominal pain with clinical diagnosis of pancreatitis which on work up was diagnosed as pancreas divisum. This patient was successfully treated with ERCP with minor papillotomy followed by stenting in major papilla. Written informed consent was taken before writing this case report.
This report emphasizes the need of early suspicion of disease, in patients with recurrent idiopathic pancreatitis, by clinician and efficacy of minimally invasive procedures (ERCP) as definitive treatment option.
Key words: Pancreas Divisum, Recurrent pancreatitis, Endoscopic Papillotomy