Background: Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is the most common form of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Typical skin lesions of DLE present as red or purple macules, papules or small plaques that rapidly develop a hyperkeratotic surface. Differential diagnosis includes a wide spectrum of medical diseases and may be induced by some drugs.
Case presentation: A 42-years-old Saudi female, known to suffer from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, who had gastric sleeve 10 years back, presented to the dermatology clinic in king Abdul-Aziz university Hospital, in July, 2017 with painful itchy erythematous ulcerated plaques that had appeared two weeks earlier. A case of atypical DLE discoid skin ulcers that was confirmed by histopathology to be DLE with negative SLE markers.
Conclusion: DLE can present in many unusual, atypical forms. CLE may progress into SLE, so follow-up is recommended at regular intervals of six months for patients that are diagnosed to have one type of CLE.
Key words: lupus erythematosus; pneumonia; discoid lupus; lupus panniculitis