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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 350-352

Effectiveness of eccentric and concentric muscle energy techniques on hamstring length in healthy population

Aiman Niaz Shahzad, Syed Shakil-ur-Rehman, Nazish Rafique.


Objective: To determine the effects of eccentric and concentric muscle energy techniques (MET) on hamstring length in healthy population.
Methodology: This randomized control trial was conducted at the Physio Rehabilitation Center, Multan, from November 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018 and screened 105 asymptomatic healthy individuals. Sixty were randomly divided into 2 groups by lottery method. Concentric muscle energy treatment technique was applied in group A and eccentric muscle energy technique in group B with 3 sessions/week for 4 weeks. Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (ODI) and Goniometry for hamstring length were used as outcome measures at baseline and at 4th week.
Results: Out of 60 patients, 60% were females and 40% males with the mean age of 27.3±4.19 years. The group A had improvement in right SLR (pre – 60.50 ± 31.22, post – 90 ± 31.22), left SLR (pre – 61.50 ± 30.02, post – 90 ± 30.98) and ODI (pre – 8 ± 34.67, post – 4 ± 34.67), as compared with group B with right SLR (pre – 61 ± 29.78, post – 90 ± 29.78), left SLR (65 ± 30.98, post – 88.5 ± 30.08) and ODI (pre – 13 ± 26.33, post – 3 ± 26.33).
Conclusion: Both techniques were effective in improving muscle length and flexibility with no significant difference.

Key words: Asymptomatic, concentric, eccentric, extensibility of hamstring muscle, muscle energy technique.

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