Case Report |
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Ruptured Aneurysm of the Noncoronary Sinus of Valsalva into the Right AtriumEmir Mujanovic, Emir Kabil, Jacob Bergsland, Sanja Stanimirovic-Mujanovic, Jasmin Caluk. Abstract | | | | Sinus of Valsalva (SV) aneurysm is rare cardiac lesion with variableclinical presentation. We presented a case of a 41-year-old femalewho was admitted to our Center because of severe heart failure anda signs of ruptured aneurysm of the SV into the right atrium. Transthoracicechocardiography confirmed communication between noncoronary SV andright atrium measuring 12 mm in diameter, tricuspid insufficiency, biatrialdilatation and preserved left ventricular function. Urgent heart catheterizationshowed normal coronary arteries. Surgical repair with patch repair ofthe ruptured aneurysm was performed. Control echocardiography showedno communication with regression in tricuspid insufficiency. Eight daysafter surgery the patient was discharged home in good condition with nosymptoms. Rupture of SV aneurysm may produce serious hemodynamicinstability with heart failure or sudden death. Our experience supports theconcept that early diagnosis and surgical treatment can save lives for mostof the patients.
Key words: Sinus Valsalva, aneurysm, rupture.