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IJMDC. 2022; 6(4): 608-614

Patterns and predictors of surgical approaches among patients diagnosed with appendicitis

Khalid Ahmed Aljasser, Ayman Muheisen Salem Alhouli, Abdulaziz Ayad Alqudaimi, Rahaf Ahmed Alamer, Khalid Saleh Aloufi, Najd Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi, Zahra Mohammed Alyousef, Abdullah Mohammed Alrofydi, Shayma Saleh Al-Rubaki, Abdullah Khalid Alghutayghit, Khulud Ali Bakri, Zaid Abdulrahim Majeed, Abdullah Hamad Alkharraz, Osamah Salem Alsawat, Lama Ghassan Abdullah.


Background: Appendicitis is one of the most frequently encountered surgical emergencies across hospitals worldwide. With increasing global prevalence and incidence, choosing the most appropriate surgical approach is vital for both pathological and patient outcomes. The choice of surgical appendectomy is currently limited to either laparoscopic or open. Enhanced recovery after surgery protocol is greatly implicated by surgical approach. This involves enhancing perioperative course as well as optimizing patient’s quality of life.
Research Significance: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic and open approaches, respectively. As postoperative outcomes incur great costs to both the patient and the hospital; control of such outcomes is vital.
Objectives: To compare patients’ characteristics undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) versus converted to open surgeries.
Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study recruited 405 patients with the clinical diagnosis of acute/complicated appendicitis. Recruitment phase was around 1 year, with data collected and analyzed on excel sheets.
Results: In terms of reduced postoperative outcomes, LA was found to be superior in less complicated cases of appendicitis. Open appendectomy was deemed to be the treatment of choice in patients with known surgical history. This was mainly due to adhesion formation and risk of disseminated infection.
Conclusion: Choice of surgical approach is highly dependent on patient’s past surgical history, overall wellbeing of the patient, and the pathological state of the appendix. However, the use of LA in uncomplicated appendicitis has received global consensus.

Key words: Laparoscopic Appendectomy (LA), Open Appendectomy (OA), Acute Appendicitis, Laparoscopic Surgery, Abdominal Pain, Comorbidities.

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