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Review Article

Med Arch. 2010; 64(5): 284-288

Primary Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo’s proposal

Mehmed Kulic, Anes Sosevic, A. Tahirovic, Muhamed Spuzic, Vedad Mujacic, Majla Cibo, Mirza Dilic.


Reperfusion therapy is the most useful part of the treatment for patientssuffering from an acute coronary syndrome. Start time of reperfusiontherapy is an important factor which influenced positively on thenumber of days of hospitalization, and readmission, the risk of reinfarction,as well as both, short and long-term mortality. Today, several models ofreperfusion therapy are available: thrombolytic treatment (pre-hospital orin-hospital setting), primary percutaneous coronary intervention (primaryPCI or pPCI) or a combination of both. pPCI is preferred, as soon as possible,in centers with experienced teams, especially for patients in shock, or thosewith contraindicated fibrinolytic therapies. We will compared, very shortly,the daily practices in 4 countries (Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, Serbia), where (well) developed primary PCI hospital networks works efficientlyfor a years, with the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our goalis to describe the easiest and quickest way of establishing the primary PCInetwork in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By combining the efforts of both Entitiesof Bosnia and Herzegovina will be possible in the forthcoming period,that B&H becomes a participant in the Stent for life initiative.

Key words: Acute coronary syndrome, primary percutaneous coronary interventionnetwork, stent for life initiative.

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