Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease of blood vessels which in mostof the cases affects two or three vascular beds. The occurrence anddevelopment of atherosclerotic disease is accelerated by multiplerisk factors among which the significant role has arterial hypertension anddiabetes mellitus. Aim of this article is to evaluate presence of hypertensionand diabetes mellitus type 2 in patients with polyvascular atheroscleroticdisease and compare them to those who have isolated disease of one vascularbed. Material and methods: we enrolled total of 160 consecutive patients.Patients were divided into 4 groups, in relation to the type of their atheroscleroticdisease. COR-group included patients with coronary atheroscleroticdisease, CAR-IF group included patients with carotid and iliac-femoralatherosclerotic disease, COR-IF group consists of patients with coronaryand iliac-femoral atherosclerotic disease, and COR-CAR-IF group consistsof patients with atherosclerotic disease in three vascular beds: coronary,carotid and iliac-femoral. We followed clinical variables: age, gender, arterialhypertension, tobacco smoking, total cholesterol and diabetes mellitus withfocus on arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Results: we had significantpercentage of patients with arterial hypertension in all four groups inrelation to those with normal blood pressure. Hypertension in male subjectswas significantly higher in those with polyvascular disease i.e. COR-CARIF,and COR-IF groups, compared to monovascular disease i.e. COR group,(p
Key words: hypertension,diabetes mellitus, polyvascular atheroscleroticdisease