This paper aimed for economic interpretation of livestock figures and milk production evolution in Egypt for the period 1995-2014. It is based on data published by Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR) and the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS). The total number of cows in 2014 had increased by 58.9 percent compared to 1995 (base year); whereas, the total number of buffaloes had increased by 30.8 percent. As for milk yield, it has increased by 124.1, 102.6, 12.6, and 108 percent for cows, buffaloes, goat, and total milk production; respectively, compared to the base year. Average milk production was 536.12 and 740.19 kg/head/year for cows and buffaloes in 2014; respectively. A high positive correlation was found between total number of livestock and milk production, also between number of female animals (cows and buffaloes) and milk production. Moreover, a high positive correlation between number of goat and milk production was found. A regression coefficient model was developed to predict milk production by means of cows female number, and it was concluded that Egypt need to increase the number of female cows by 9 million to secure its nutritional demand from milk to help controlling trade deficit. It is recommended to implement selection programs and increase investments in buffaloes and goat farming for improving the dairy industry in Egypt.
Key words: Egypt-livestock-milk-economics