Material of four species of Pisione and Psionidens were collected from Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt 2010-2011, within the project of Egyptian surface coastal waters of the Aqaba and Suez Gulf as well as the Red Sea to study water quality and bacterial indicators for pollution, they are: Pisione guanche San Martín, López & Núñez, 1999; Pisione wolfi San Martini, Lopezi, & Núñez 1999; Pisione africana Day, 1963 and Pisionidens indica (Aiyar & Alikunhi, 1940), This is the first record for the all from Egyptian waters, also family Pisionidae are reported in the present study for the first time from Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt. The origin of P. guanche may be Red Sea, then transported by ballast water to Cuba where it recorded by San Martín et al., (1999).
Key words: Family Pisionidae, genus Pisione, and Psionidens, Gulf of Aqaba.