The prevalence of patent foramen ovale (PFO) in the general population is 25-30%however, paradoxical embolism is rarely seen. Entrapped cardiac thrombus (impendingparadoxical embolism) is defined as embolus that project through the patent foramen ovale(PFO) thus biatrial embolism and paradoxical embolism are rarely seen in alives. Completeremoval of the thrombus by surgery reduces the risk of embolization. Emergency surgery isindicated for biatrial thrombus, entrappedcardiacthrombusandmassivePEwithhemodynamiccompromise. We present the management of a 41 year old male with entrappedcardiac thrombus and fatal right heart failure due to massive pulmonary emboli
Key words: Entrapped cardiac thrombus, massive pulmonary emboli, right heart failure