In 1980s the concept of ecosystem services has been used to indicate the natures functions. Ecosystem services are intangible and they do not have a price which reflects their scarcity. However, in 1990s ecosystem services have been included in economic processes of monetary valuation, exchange and appropriation. Thus discussions have been started about how ecosystem services monetary value would be determined with intense incorporation of ecosystem services to the economic analysis since 1990s. Environmental economics and ecological economics which are the new approaches of economics have conducted these discussions and developed a variety of valuation methods. In this study, these valuation methods and the discussions regarding estimation of monetary values of the ecosystem services, reasons for the estimation studies have examined.
Key words: Ecosystem Services, Monetary Valuation Methods, Demand Curve Approaches, Contingent Valuation Method, Travel Cost Method. JEL codes: Q57 Article Language: EnglishTurkish