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Original Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(7): 168-175

Clinical-epidemiological and pharmacoepidemiological investigation of acute cerebrovascular accidents

Oksana Romanivna Levytska, Bohdan Petrovych Hromovyk, Liana Mykhaylivna Unhurian, Kateryna Vasylivna Kostyana.


The study represents the defined structure, gender and age peculiarities of acute cerebrovascular accidents in patients of the neurological department of an inpatient hospital in Lviv based on clinical-epidemiological analysis. By means of content-, frequency-, ABC, ATC/DDD and DU 90% analyses the trends, amounts and structure of actual drug consumption by the mentioned group of patients were investigated.

Key words: Acute cerebrovascular accidents, drug prescribing, treatment, drug consumption

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