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Review Article

Med Arch. 2017; 71(1): 62-65

Hypothyroidism in Pediatric Population – Bosnian and Herzegovinian Situation

Edo Hasanbegovic, Snijezana Hasanbegovic, Edin Begic.


Introduction: Thyroid gland diseases in children are in second place by frequency among all endocrine disorders. When interpreting the results of the thyroid function assessment it should be taken into account the significant differences in the concentrations of TSH, thyroid hormones, thyroid binding proteins and calcitonin among children of different ages. Goal: To present the age and sex structure of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, evaluate diagnostic methods for making diagnosis, evaluation of etiology of hypothyroidism, with special review of the therapeutic modality. Patients and methods: The study have retrospective character and includes all patients who have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but at the moment of data collection were aged 0-18 years. Results: Distribution of patients on the basis of gender, revealed more significant representation of female (65.93%), and without significant difference in the presence of the disease in relation to age (p>0.05). Physical examination of the struma was not verified in the majority of cases (74; 81.32%, p

Key words: Hypothyroidism, pediatric population.

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