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Original Article

Med Arch. 2017; 71(1): 52-55

Uveitis Associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, our Observations

Almira Cosickic, Meliha Halilbasic, Amela Selimovic, Harun Avdagic.


Introduction: Uveitis as extra-articular manifestation of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is present in 20% of children with the persistent form, in 30% with the extended oligoarticular form, while it is present in psoriatic and polyarticular rheumatoid factor (RF) negative arthritis in 10% and 14%, respectively. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of uveitis and its complications in children with JIA. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted with an analysis of the medical records of children with JIA who were treated for the last 5 years. The analysis included the following: the child’s age and sex, age at onset of arthritis,of uveitis, complications, RF values and antinuclear antibodies (ANA). Results: The study included 97 children with JIA: in 14 (14.4%) uveitis was observed; the most common form of JIA was the oligoarticular extended form (6/14), oligoarticular persistent form was observed in 5 children, while 3 children with uveitis had polyarticular RF negative JIA. The age of arthritis onset was lower in children with uveitis (4.7 vs 8.2 years); ANA positivity was more common in children with JIA and uveitis (64% vs 41%). Uveitis was the first manifestation of the disease for 2 children; 28.6% of children had clinically asymptomatic uveitis, while 42.4% of children developed uveitis within 4 years from the JIA onset. 8/14 children developed uveitis complications: 3 cases of synechia, 2 band keratopathy, 2 cataracta, 1 glaucoma. Conclusion: Uveitis as significantly present manifestation of JIA requires to timely recognize, treat, monitor children in order to prevent complications.

Key words: uveitis, arthritis, children

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