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RMJ. 2017; 42(4): 493-498

Breast feeding mediators among Iranian women at premarital stage: A population based study

Kazem Hosseinzadeh.


Objectives: To describe breastfeeding mediators among women at pre-marital stage in Iran.
Methods: Using the simple randomized sampling method, 450 participants were enrolled in this population-based cross-sectional study. A structured questionnaire was used in order to collect data.
Results: Eighty eight percent of the participants reported that had not met breastfeeding education previously. The available sources of information for 65% of respondents were radio and television. Seventy nine percent did not know any breastfeeding consultant. Mean score of participantsÂ’ knowledge was lower than 50 score. Nearly 50% participants claimed the breastfeeding to be as a common barrier for their job and learning. Only 14% had intended to initiate breastfeeding immediately after childbearing. Mean score of perceived self efficacy about breastfeeding was less than 50 percent.
Conclusion: Breastfeeding mediators among Iranian women at premarital stage are not in favorable situation. Findings of this study suggest a need for more breastfeeding education programs for Iranian women at premarital stage.

Key words: Breastfeeding, knowledge, self efficacy, intention, Iran

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