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Metabolic syndrome susceptibility of suckling male and female rats given oral administration of natural honey compared with cane syrup.

Abdulwahid Ajibola.

Cited by 0 Articles

The acute effects of natural honey (NH) and cane syrup (golden syrup, GS) on metabolism in 89 (10-day old) suckling Sprague Dawley rats were investigated. Low dose group fed 10 mls/kg of either NH or GS; high dose group gavaged with 20 mls/kg of either solution; while the fifth group, control received 10 mls/kg distilled water. All treatments were administered via stomach tube twice daily for 10 consecutive days. The pups were euthanized on day 21 for the measurements of metabolic substrates and long bones. All the dietary treatments induced significant (p

Key words: Honey, Metabolic substrates, Cane syrup, metabolic syndrome, rats.

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