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Review Article

IJMDC. 2024; 8(10): 2847-2852

Prevalence and clinical course of depression: an updated review

Afnan Moed Marzooq Alsulaymi, Lama Walid Abdullah Alhabsi, Amal Mashhoor Shaher Al-Barakati Al-Shrif, Faris Zuhair Harish Alsaedi.


Depression is a disturbance of emotions that results in the deterioration of daily activities and abilities. It is one of the most diagnosed mental disorders among individuals. The cost of depression is considerable. So, the prevalence of depression is of great concern. The aim of this review is to highlight the prevalence and clinical course of depression. This review involved an online research process in searching for scientific articles related to the subject under interest using scientific websites and several keywords. The articles were selected based on inclusion criteria. There were 36 articles included to write the current review; the review was written under titles in the discussion part. The estimation of the exact prevalence of depression is hard as it varies based on different communities, the study design, the population under study, and some environmental factors. The prevalence of depression can be increased by female gender, older age, and suffering from certain diseases.

Key words: Depression, Prevalence, Clinical course

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