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Awareness about drug information center among health-care professionals at a tertiary care hospital

Harshad V Kesari, Prashant A Shirure, Anuradha T Deshkar.

Cited by 3 Articles

Background: Drug literature is vast and interprofessional. It is not easy to keep abreast with current drug information (DI). DI Center (DIC) is a facility specializing in the provision of DI in a suitable format; with diverse roles in many other activities. However, optimal utilization of DICs is questionable. There is hardly any data regarding awareness about DICs.

Aims and Objectives: The study was planned to evaluate the awareness of DICs among health-care professionals, who are the primary beneficiaries of its services.

Materials and Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital. Health-care professionals (health-care teaching faculty, postgraduate students, interns, undergraduate students, nurses, and pharmacists) who gave informed consent were given a structured, pretested questionnaire. A total of 360 questionnaires were collected and analyzed.

Results: About 68% of respondents never came across the term DIC before. The majority had knowledge - score

Key words: Drug Information; Drug Information Services; Rational Use of Medicines

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