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Physiologic kinetic profile of glycemic response in a single dose of clonidine

Derick Erl P. Sumalapao.

Cited by 6 Articles

Background: Clonidine activates peripheral α-2 adrenoreceptors and influences glycemic levels.

Aim and Objective: The aim and objective of the study was to determine the physiologic kinetic profile of glycemic response in a single dose of clonidine.

Materials and Methods: Experimental data on fasting glycemic levels of Sprague-Dawley rats in a single dose intraperitoneal administration of clonidine were used to describe the rate mechanisms behind the physiologic response. Parameters of the kinetic models including zero-order, first-order, and second-order were estimated and compared using nonlinear regression analysis.

Results: Clonidine administration resulted to a dose-dependent fasting glycemic level with maximal cumulative dose effect at 4 μg/kg. The overall physiologic glycemic response behaved under zero-order and first-order kinetic models on the first 3 h, while second-order kinetic model captures the fasting glycemic levels on the 3rd-8th h after drug administration.

Conclusion: A 4 μg/kg optimal dose accentuates glycemic response behaving under a zero-order or first-order rate mechanism with maximal effect on the first 3 h after clonidine administration.

Key words: Kinetic Models; Glycemic Level; Clonidine; Zero-order; First-order; Second-order

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