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Validation of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 8-10 in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amra Hadzipasic-Nazdrajic.


Background: Paediatric oral disorders are numerous and it can be assumed that those have negative effect on the life quality in children. From 2002 to 2006 were developed the life quality measures for children aged 8-10 and 11-14 years, Child Perceptions Questionnaires, CPQs. Those are the components of the Child Oral Health Quality of Life Questionnaire (COHQOL). Aim: The aim of this study was to translate the CPQ for children 8 to 10 years into the one of the languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to cross-culturaly adapt the instrument, and to evaluate its comprehensibility among Bosnian language speaking children. Methods: Instrument was translated from English into the Bosnian language according to the recommended translation procedure. After the cultural adaptation, questionnaire was tested among 8–10 years old children (N=18). Results: During the cultural adaptation of the instrument, changes were made on three questions. One question had to be changed due to understanding difficulties. Conclusion: CPQ8-10 was translated and culturaly adapted. Testing among children showed that the Bosnia-Herzegovina version of the CPQ8–10 is comprehensive and it can be used for measuring oral health-related quality of life in children this age.

Key words: CPQ8-10, translation, validation.

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