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Ann Med Res. 2017; 24(2): 167-169

Relationship between obesity and disability in adult individuals-retrospective screening

Fatih Bati, Yuksel Ersoy, Raikan Buyukavci, Semra Akturk, Osman Celbis.

Cited by 1 Articles

Aim: The objective is to examine the relationship between the musculoskeletal system (MSS)-based disability and the body mass index (BMI).
Material and Method: The medical board reports (MBR) issued for patients in 2010, who applied for a disability report, were screened. From a total of 283 MBR’s, 99 disability reports were included. BMI was calculated and the relationship between disability ratios and BMI was examined.
Findings: Out of the 99 patients, 77 were male and 22 were female. The mean age was 46.7±17.8, the BMI was 25.5±5.7 kg/m², the total disability ratio (TDR) was 46±24% and the MSS disability ratio was 33±23%. Both the BMI and age of the patient were significantly correlated with TDR values (p

Key words: Body Mass Index; Obesity; Disability

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