Background: Alcoholism is an illness or disorder characterized by loss of control over drinking with habituation or addiction to the alcohol, causing interference in any major life function. Alcohol dependence is characterized by increase amounts of alcohol are needed to produce an effect (tolerance) withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, irritability, tremors, hallucinations and seizures, constant craving for alcohol and inability to limit drinking, continuing to drink in spite of the knowledge of its physical or psychological harm to one self or others. Spouse of alcoholics is faced with many problems like mental and physical problems, lack of communication between others, financial problems, marital violence, damage to social reputation, libido towards sexual performance.
Aim: To assess the level of stress and coping among spouse of alcoholics.
Methodology: Non experimental descriptive design and non probability convenience sampling technique was adapted to select 30 members of spouse of alcoholics in selected areas at Anantapur. Data was collected by using socio demographic variables and modified stress scale and coping scale. Data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistical method.
Results: The results shows that majority 11(36.6%) of spouse had severe stress, 10(33.33%) of spouses had moderate stress and 9 (30%) of spouse had mild stress and majority 23(76.66%) of spouse had moderate coping, 4(13.33%) of spouse had adequate coping and 3(10%) of spouses had inadequate coping. The results reveal that mean score of stress scale is 38.56 with standard deviation of 5.7, mean
score of coping scale is 21.43 with standard deviation of 3.08 and Persons correlation co efficient is r:0.494
Conclusion: The result of the study concluded that there is a positive moderate correlation between stress score and coping score.