Background: Stress is a state of physical and psychological strain which imposes demands for adjustments upon the individual. It has been reported that student nurses are affected with the stressors in academic, clinical, financial, due to parental expectations, competition for grades, and career choices Aim: Assess the level of stress among the 1st year B.Sc nursing students Materials and methods: A quantitative research approach, descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A sample of 60 1st year B.Sc nursing students were selected by using simple random sampling technique. Modified student stress scale was used to assess the level of stress. The data was analyzed by using the descriptive and inferential statistics i.e. frequency and percentage, mean, standard deviation, Z test and chi-square. Major findings of the study: 15(25%) students had mild stress, 22(36.7%) students had moderate stress, 23 (38.3%) students had severe stress. In post test 15(25%) students had very mild stress, 29(48.3%) students had mild stress and 16(26.7%) had moderate stress. Association between the level of stress and socio demographic variables, there is a statistically significant association with socio demographic
variables such as mothers education, fathers education, family income per month, type of family and awareness about nursing profession.
Key words: Stress, Psychological strain,Stressors.