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NNJ. 2016; 5(1): 39-41

Knowledge Regarding Osteoporosis among Women of Menopausal age (45-65 Years) at Selected Village of Moga, Punjab



Osteoporosis is a chronic progressive metabolic bone disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue leading to increased bone fragility.This study is conducted to assess the knowledge regarding osteoporosis among women of menopausal
age (45-65 years) at selected village of Moga, Punjab. The study is done by an exploratory approach by non-experimental research design among 100 menopausal women from Rauli village, Moga by using simple random sampling Technique.A self administered questionnaire to assess the knowledge level of menopausal women regarding osteoporosis.Study revealed that among 100 menopausal women, 41(41%) of them had below average knowledge, 51(51%) of them had average knowledge, and 8(8%) of them had good knowledge regarding osteoporosis.

Key words: Osteoporosis, Bone fragility, Menopause.

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