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NNJ. 2016; 5(1): 31-34

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Management of Aggressive Patients among Staff Nurses at selected Psychiatric Hospitals, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

A.S. Subathra Harikrishnan.


Anger need not be a negative expression. It is a normal human emotion that, when handled appropriately and expressed assertively, can provide an individual with a positive force to solve problems and make decisions concerning life situations. A Quasi-experimental
study to evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Management of Aggressive Patients among Staff Nurses at selected Psychiatric Hospitals, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Questionnaire on Knowledge regarding Management of Aggressive Patients. Results stated that the Staff Nurses gained Knowledge on Management of Aggressive Patients. The Staff Nurses improved their confidence towards Management of Aggressive Patients

Key words: Anger, Agressiveness.

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