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Muscle relaxant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Mimosa pudica whole plant in mice

Parvathy Velayudhan Nair, Bindulatha Nair.

Cited by 9 Articles

Background: Mimosa pudica is a traditionally used folk medicine to treat various disorders such as bleeding disorders, dysentery, piles, convulsions, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular pain, and snake bite.

Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the muscle relaxant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of M. pudica whole plant (HAEMPWP) in albino mice.

Materials and Methods: HAEMPWP was prepared using Soxhlet apparatus. Acute toxicity tests were done using the extract which was given orally to albino mice in increasing doses up to 3200 mg/kg body weight. For pharmacological study, the extract in doses of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg was orally administered to albino mice. The muscle relaxant action was evaluated by Chimney test and Rotarod method. Data analysis was done by unpaired t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, and log-probit analysis using SPSS software version 16.

Results: HAEMPWP showed a significant dose-dependent increase in muscle relaxant activity as compared to control.

Conclusion: HAEMPWP possesses significant muscle relaxant activity and could be an effective treatment option for various spasmodic conditions.

Key words: Mimosa pudica; Muscle Relaxant; Rotarod; Chimney Test; Soxhlet Apparatus

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