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Case Report

Mater Sociomed. 2010; 22(3): 172-174

Physiotherapy Approach to a Flexor Contracture in a Burned Hand After 30 Years

Hajrije Hundozi-Hysena, Merita Martinaj, Sefedin Muçaj, Serbeze Kabashi, Ardiana Sylejmani, Fatime Haxholli, Qazim Hysenaj.


Introduction and Purpose: This case study describes the importance of postoperative rehabilitation program in case of contracture in the burned hand, several years ago. The purpose of this study is to report the results of kinesitherapy in restoring the functionality of burned hand, which is treated with various therapies and sessions such as: management of cicatrix, the amplitude of relocation in passive and active movements of affected joints, treatment for muscle atrophy, and coordination. Case Description: Our case study involves a 31 –years old female, who after the release of flexor contracture by the plastic surgeon, was hospitalized with edematous hand, muscle hypotrophy, and limited amplitude of movement. Results: Improvements were noted in the amplitude of passive and active movements, and muscle strength. The assessment was performed according to Modified Strickland’s classification, where the total active motion (TAM) was 17.6% during the first month of treatment, however after five months of treatment, TAM reached up to 52.8%, which is assessed as positive result. Discussion: The aim of this case study is to demonstrate the importance of burned hand treatment and the necessity of an adequate treatment program in order to reach the most effective results in the relocation of hand its functionality.

Key words: Burn, hand, contracture, kinesitherapy, Strickland.

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