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IJHRS. 2016; 5(3): 152-161

Effect of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) in stress induced loss of cognition in hippocampus of wister albino rats

Sivanandan Ramar, Mazen Alqahtani, Anandh Bose, Salameh Al Dajah.


Background: Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a collaboration between a brain and a device that enables signals from the brain to direct some external activity, which interface enables a direct communications pathway between the brain and the object to be controlled. By reading signals from an array of neurons and using computer chips and programs to translate the signals into action. The Magneto encephalography (MEG) is to record the firing of the neuron and absorb the brain activity as the magnetic field travels from region to region with in the brain. It has the potential to enhance the life style of the disabled person. The MEG Brain Computer Interface (BCI) impact on medicine and healthcare now may be subtle but is still revolutionary.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop novel methods and systems for rehabilitation and control of assistive devices using signals from the brain – BCI on motor coding and on neural plasticity.
Materials and methods: The experiment was carried out in 24 albino rats with Magneto encephalography (MEG). All the rats underwent BCI procedure except the first and second group which was exposed to fake intervention. The objective of this proof of concept closed loop BCI experiment was for the subject to control the positive movement of a rat in the radial arm maze to take the food even altered position which was recorded in the system.
Results: An important finding in the present study was the enhancing effect of BCI against neurodegeneration. It shows that these rats achieve to learn the task. It suggests that the BCI activated the neurons in the hippocampus and makes it sufficient for normal acquisition.
Conclusion: Stress induced hippocampal degeneration leads to significant impairment of cognitive functions especially in calculation, immediate recall and attention. In this present study, stress induced loss of cognition was studied by activating the neurons of the hippocampus by grid electrodes of BCI system.
Keywords: Magneto encephalography (MEG), glucocorticoid, hippocampal formation & grid electrodes.

Key words: Magneto encephalography (MEG), glucocorticoid, hippocampal formation & grid electrodes.

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