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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2017; 15(2): 66-69

Swine farm infestation with Culicoides species (biting midges) in Zaria, Nigeria

PO Oke, BE Oke & JO Adejinmi.


Collection of biting midges within a piggery farm using black-light suction traps revealed the presence of diverse species of Culicoides. Out of a total of one thousand four hundred and five (1.405) midges caught, one thousand three hundred and sixty-six (1,366) were identified as species in the genus Culicoides while the remaining thirty-nine (39) were unidentified members in the family Ceratopogonidae. The identified Culicoides were further classified into eight species based on their morphological characteristics as C. imicola, C. pycnostictus, C. oxystoma, C. milnei, C. subschultzei, C. enderleini, C. nevilli and C. krameri. There was dominance of females (93.67%) over the males (6.33 %) from the total collection. The presence of Culicoides species infesting pigs was established and the identified Culicoides species were incriminated to be mammophilic in feeding. Recommendation is made to determine the blood meal source and possibility of disease transmission.

Key words: Culicoides species, Ceratopogonidae, Light-trap, Nigeria, Piggery, Zaria

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