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Mater Sociomed. 2010; 22(3): 145-148

The Frequency of Repeated Hospitalization and Sociodemographic Parametres Among Patients with Schizophrenia During 2006-2009

Ifeta Licanin, Dinka Borcak.


Researches have proved that multiple and extended hospitalizations were noted among examinees with schizophrenia. Aim of this work is to determine and show the frequency re-hospitalization for patients with schizophrenia during 2006. -2009. Gender, year, education level, duration of the treatment were analyzed as well. This retrospective-descriptive and epidemiological study covered randomly selected 85 repeatedly hospitalized patients with schizophrenia according to DSM-IV. Subjects were selected out of total number of 727 who get diagnose of Schizophrenia Structural Clinical Interview (SCID) was used as instrument of research. From total number of hospitalized patients with Schizophrenia 85(11.7%) has had re-hospitalization, out of which in 2006; 26 (12.3%), 2007; 24(14.5%), 2008; 14 (8.1%), 2009; 21 (11.9%). Two repeated hospitalization during 2006 had 24 (92.3%) subjects; with three; 2 (7.7%). During 2007 with two hospitalization were 21 (87.5%) subjects; three repeated hospitalizations 3 (12.5%). In the year 2008 two hospitalization had 13 (92.9%); three 1 (7.1%) subjects. In the year 2009 two hospitalization had 21 (100%) subjects. Males had more repeated hospitalization then females. Results show ages, education level, and duration of hospitalization as well. Conclusion: There is a need of repeated hospitalizations among patients with schizophrenia, because of chronic course of disease.

Key words: schizophrenia, re-hospitalization, duration of hospitalization, sociodemographic

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